Assessing Essential Skills of Veterinary Technology Students, 3rd Edition

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Laurie J. Buell, Lisa E. Schenkel, Sabrina Timperman February 2017 Assessing Essential Skills of Veterinary Technology Students, Third Edition provides students and instructors with

Pet Bird Diseases and Care

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Indranil Samanta, Samiran Bandyopadhyay March 2017 This book provides fundamental information on pet birds, menaces, and advances made in the diagnosis and treatment of

Nutritional Management of Equine Diseases and Special Cases

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Bryan M. Waldridge January 2017 Nutritional Management of Equine Diseases and Special Cases offers a concise, easy-to-comprehend text for equine veterinarians with questions about

Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals: Principles and Practice

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Amir Shanan, Tamara Shearer, Jessica Pierce February 2017 Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals: Principles and Practice offers the first comprehensive reference to

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases of Livestock

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Jagadeesh Bayry February 2017 This book provides comprehensive knowledge on diseases in livestock that are caused by viruses, parasites and bacteria. Emerging and re-emerging

Systems Biology in Animal Production and Health

Durata de citire: 2 minute by Haja N. Kadarmideen October 2016 This two-volume work provides an overview on various state of the art experimental and statistical methods, modeling approaches and software

Comparative Medicine: Disorders Linking Humans with Their Animals

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Erika Jensen-Jarolim February 2017 This book highlights the most significant diseases for humans and their dogs, cats and horses. The examples discussed, which include

Color Atlas of Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2nd Edition

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Kirk N. Gelatt, Caryn E. Plummer January 2017 Color Atlas of Veterinary Ophthalmology, Second Edition provides a compendium of the clinical appearance of ophthalmic

Beekeeping For Dummies

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Howland Blackiston January 2017 Everything you need to ‘bee’ a successful backyard beekeeper If you’ve ever thought about becoming a backyard beekeeper—or have already

Sindromul de colon iritabil

Durata de citire: 2 minute I. DEFINITIE A.Tulburare functionala caracterizata prin aparitia episodica a fecalelor moi, mucoase si tenesme frecvente. B. Nu apare inflamatia mucoasei colonului. II.CAUZE: cauzele sunt necunoscute, dar


Durata de citire: 2 minute I. DEFINITIE: Coronavirusul canin (CVC) produce gastroenterita la majoritatea canidelor II. ETIOLOGIE:     A.Caracteristicile virusului 1.CVC este un virus ARN cu capsida din familia Coronaviride 2.Este sensibil

Small Animal Thoracic Surgery

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by E. Christopher Orton, Eric Monnet August 2017 A state-of-the-art reference for all aspects of thoracic surgery in dogs and cats Written by two of

Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Andrew G. Burton August 2017 Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology provides an essential guide for interpreting cytologic samples to diagnose small animal patients.


Durata de citire: 4 minute I. DEFINITIE A.Hipertiroidismul (tirotoxicoza) este o tulburare multisistemica determinata de cantitatea excesiva de hormoni tiroidieni (tiroxina = T4 si triiodotironina = T3) B.Hipertiroidismul la CIINE are


Durata de citire: 11 minute Leptospiroza la câine a fost descrisă pentru prima dată sub numele de ,,tifos canin” (Hofer, 1852) şi apoi ca „boala de Stuttgart” (Klet, 1898) după numele


Durata de citire: 7 minute Boala lui Carré, cunoscută şi sub alte denumiri ca jigodia, febra catarală malignă sau pesta canină, este o boală infectocontagioasă care afectează carnasierele şi care se

Small Animal Arthroscopy

Durata de citire: 2 minute by Brian Beale, Donald Hulse, Kurt Schulz, Wayne Whitney April 2003 This comprehensive text presents basic and advanced techniques for small animal general arthroscopy that can

Cooperative Veterinary Care

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Alicea Howell, Monique Feyrecilde January 2018 Cooperative Veterinary Care puts the focus on preventing and reversing fear and stress in the veterinary setting through

Color Atlas of Farm Animal Dermatology

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Danny W. Scott January 2018 A practical full-color reference on the recognition and diagnosis of dermatological disease in farm animals Color Atlas of Farm

Safe Handling and Restraint of Animals: A Comprehensive Guide

Durata de citire: < 1 minut by Stella J. Chapman August 2017 Provides all you need to know about the safe and humane handling and restraint of animals. Safe Handling and

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