Visual Atlas of Oral and Dental Pathologies in Cats

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Product details
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8417225099
ISBN-13: 978-8417225094
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 0.6 x 11 inches
Routine preventative dental care is essential to prevent dental and oral health problems in cats. However, some types of dental disease are really difficult to diagnose and treat. With more than 400 high-quality images, clear anatomical illustrations, and thorough descriptions, this new volume on veterinary dentistry focused exclusively in cats aims at being a visual guide for quick visual identification and prompt diagnosis and treatment of oral and dental problems in this domestic species.
Javier Collados Soto
Javier Collados Soto graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in 1994. Specialising exclusively in Veterinary Dentistry and Oral Surgery, he works in numerous veterinary practices and hospitals in Spain, concentrating his services in Madrid. He is responsible for the Dentistry and Oral Surgery service at the Sierra de Madrid Veterinary Hospital. He was a lecturer and subject coordinator in Animal Dentistry at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Alfonso X el Sabio University of Madrid.
Always showing his interest for his specialisation, he has had several stays at the Dentistry and Oral Surgery Service of the University of California (UCDavis) Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, USA.
He has been member of the European Veterinary Dental Society (EVDS) since 1999 and he is also one of the founder members of the Spanish Society of Veterinary Experimental Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery (SEOVE, Sociedad Española de Odontología-Cirugía Maxilofacial Veterinaria y Experimental).
He has published many articles in this specialty and has participated as a speaker in congresses and national and international courses in the field of Veterinary Dentistry.
Dental positional terminology
Histological tooth structure in canines and felines
Diagram of dog and cat dentition
Example of periodontal probing
Periodontal disease classification (AVDC, 2007)
Classification of plaque and dental calculus index (Logan & Boyce, 1994)
Gingival index (Wolf et al., 2005)
Stages of mobility (AVDC, 2007)
Classification of furcation involvement/exposure (AVDC, 2007)
Dental fracture classification (AVDC, 2007)
Endo-periodontal lesions
Classification of tooth resorption (based on the severity of the resorption) (AVDC, 2007)
2. Oral and dental pathologies in cats
Physiological oral cavity and dental radiology
Permanent teeth
Deciduous teeth
Dental radiographic views for cats
Occlusion and malocclusion
Incisor area
Premolar and molar area
Canine area
Dental crowding
Dental absence
Mandibular distocclusion (class 2 malocclusion)
Maxillomandibular asymmetry (class 4 malocclusion)
Mandibular mesiocclusion (class 3 malocclusion)
Dental deviation
Distal deviation
Open bite
Persistent tooth
Dental rotation
Maxillomandibular asymmetry in a side-to-side direction
Systemic pathologies and their consequences in the oral cavity
Leukaemia and feline immunodeficiency (FeLV, FIV)
Pathologies of the oral cavity
Squamous cell carcinoma
Metabolic, iatrogenic and other aetiologies
Eosinophilic granuloma
Traumatic aetiology
Soft-tissue lesions. Foreign body
Soft-tissue lesions. Tongue lesions
Soft-tissue lesions. Lesions from occlusion/malocclusion
Soft-tissue lesions. Electric cord burn
Soft-tissue lesions. External trauma
Hard-tissue lesions. Fractures – trauma to the temporomandibular joint area – miscellaneous
Hard-tissue lesions. Mandibular fractures
Hard-tissue lesions. Maxillary fractures
Bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic origin
Periodontal disease
Feline gingivostomatitis
Osteomyelitis in the oral cavity
Dental pathologies
Abnormal dental development and eruption
Dental agenesis
Impacted teeth
Hyperdontia (supernumerary teeth)
Dental absence
Dental discolouration
Dental fracture
Enamel fracture
Uncomplicated crown fracture
Complicated crown fracture
Complicated crown-root fracture
Root fracture
Tooth resorption
Endodontic disease
Alphabetical index

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